Monday 25 May 2009

Glorious, glorious days!

The past two days have been wonderful outdoor days, when we have only come inside when it's time for the children to go to bed. On Sunday, we had our first barbecue of the year and today we set about clearing the jungle that was taking over our back garden. Everyone was outside.

We built dens...

we blew bubbles...

we splashed in the water...

we found a hidden rose...

I did a bit more crochet...

Daddy Long legs did lots of digging...

we planted...

we skipped...

we swung...

we rode bikes...

and we sunbathed!

What a perfect weekend!


  1. Perfect....... no other words needed x

  2. You know, I could just about do with your weekend right now!

  3. What a talented photographer you are!

  4. It was lovely here too. Love your pictures - thanks for sharing. x
